Srey Neang Yav, 20, Medicine (Sponsored)

My name is Srey Neang Yav. Thanks to the Students of Tomorrow Scholarship I am now studying medicine and midwifery in Phnom Penh. On my weekends I travel back to my village to volunteer at the RSP Hospital.

Thay Nam, 19, Music & Art

Hi dear all! I am Thay Nam, 19 years old. I really like to play music and I want to be a musician in the future. Thanks for your sponsor!

Sodem Vorn, 21, Law

I am Sodem Vorn. My age is 21 and I want to be a lawer in the future. Your sponsorship will give me a chance to go to university.

Vechra Bun, 19, Law

My name is Vechra Bun, I am 19 years old. I want to be a lawer. Please sponsor my study. Thank you so much!